Planning Courses

Planning, Policy, and Funding

Click the course Title link for more information.

AV-12Airport Systems Planning and Design (54th Annual Short Course)20250623June 23-27, 2025Berkeley
TE-01Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering20250513May 13-16, 2025San Jose
TE-32Pedestrian Facilities: Planning and Conceptual Design for Accessibility and Safety20250422April 22-24, 2025Online
TE-38Roundabouts: Balancing Safety & Mobility for All Users20250212February 12-13, 2025Online
TE-27Traffic Flow Principles for Practitioners20250520May 20-22, 2025Online
PL-14Transportation Planning Fundamentals for California Streets20250311March 11-13, 2025Oakland

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.

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