Traffic Signal Design: Complete Streets Application

Dates:September 27-28, 2023
Meets:W and Th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location:SpringHill Suites, Sacramento Airport
Cost: $790.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

This class is offered in partnership with the California Department of Transportation, Division of Local Assistance. Registration fees are subsidized with funding from the Cooperative Training Assistance Program. Reduced rates are available to employees of California's city, county, regional, and other public agencies only.


This course introduces the practical design considerations in traffic signal designs that are above and beyond the basic introductions. Within the framework of the California Vehicle Code, the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), and other national and state references with recommended practices and real-world illustrations, this course will explore the multi-modal design expectations from today's traffic signal designers in a complete-street environment.
This course will introduce complex signal phasing diagrams, typical features of controller firmware, and configuration of signal cabinets; and signal indications/heads placement and detection layout with respect to design applications for rail crossings, emergency vehicles, bus transit, bicycles, pedestrians, and cars. Additionally, this course will introduce the design concept for bus rapid transit (BRT), light rail transit (LRT) and heavy rail.
The course includes lectures, sample problems, and exercise projects that will familiarize the course participant with the design process that starts with preliminary and progress design submittals, as well as a common design review comments and resolutions expected by typical public agencies. While this course is suitable for traffic signal designers with varying experience, this course is intended as a sequential next-level course to Tech Transfer's TE-02 (Traffic Signal Design: Engineering Concepts), or equivalent. The goal is for the course participants to become familiar with real-world, multi-modal, signal-design applications that accommodate various street types and intersections users.

Click here for a detailed outline.

Topics Include

  • signal phasing (review of basics)
  • complex signal phasing
  • controller firmware features and signal cabinet configurations
  • layout of signal heads and detections within Multi-Modal Contexts
  • adaptive traffic control and other "next gen" options
  • sample applications in various modes:
    • pedestrians (hybrid beacons, lead pedestrian intervals and pedestrian scrambles)
    • bicycles (Types I-III/IV bikeways)
    • transit signal priority and bus rapid transits
    • emergency vehicles (fire station and en-route), rail crossings (typical, pre-signal, queue-cutter)
    • light rail transit

What You Will Learn

Students gain a good working understanding of concepts and engineering practices needed to develop plans for traffic signal installations within a multi-modal context.

Who Should Attend

This is a next-level sequential course targeted for traffic engineers, technicians, and maintenance and construction personnel with adequate traffic signal design experience or prior training equivalent to Tech Transfer's TE-02 (Traffic Signal Design: Engineering Concepts) course.


Please bring the following tools to the course: pocket calculator, engineer's scale (with 1:20 scale), 12" straight edge, and four colored pencils (red, green, blue, black). Optional item is a template with circles, squares and rectangles. The perspective course participants will be exposed to Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, and are encouraged to review them online at

For More Information

About our courses and credits, see our FAQ
About payments, refunds, confirmations, and accessibility, see How to Enroll
Or email us with your questions at

Cancellation Policy

To cancel your registration and receive a refund less a $75 processing fee, you must notify TechTransfer at least five (5) working days before the course is scheduled to begin. Notifications must be made in writing and sent by email to We reserve the right to charge the full course fee if proper notification is not sent to TechTransfer. We don't offer refunds for classes with registration fees of $75 or less.

In lieu of canceling your registration, you have three additional options: you may (1) transfer your registration to another class, (2) receive a tuition credit for the total amount, useable toward a future class, or (3) send a substitute in your place. Please contact us at least 5 full working days before the class is scheduled to begin so we may process your request.

If you’ve registered for a self-paced class, you cannot receive a refund once you start the class.

We recommend you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes. If you are worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you do not test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.


We do not have a sleeping room block for this hotel.
Fee: $790.00

Fee Breakdown

FeeStandard fee$ 790.00
Fee-AlternateCA Public Agency$ 395.00

SpringHill Suites, Sacramento Airport

2555 Venture Oaks Way
Sacramento, CA 95833
Click here for hotel information.

Bill Shao

PE, TE, PTOE, City of Los Angeles

Bill Shao is a Principal Engineer with the City of Los Angeles. Currently the LADOT-lead for LA Metro's Capital Transit Design-Build and City's Capital ATSAC programs, he previously led LADOT's Design, Construction Management, Signal Systems, and ITS programs. Almost a 3-decade veteran with the City, he has been an instructor for Tech Transfer and formerly for LA Metro. An active participant of FHWA and TRB-NCHRP research panels, he holds a MS in Transportation Management from San Jose State University, a MS in Transportation Systems Engineering, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. Mr. Shao is a California-registered Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer.

Claude Strayer

PE, RSP1, Senior Associate, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants

Mr. Strayer is a Senior Associate in the San Diego office of Fehr & Peers. He has 11 years of experience in the design and implementation of traffic signals and signal systems, signing and striping, street lighting, temporary traffic control as well as pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Claude has completed designs for dozens of agencies, public and private entities, and institutions. He has also served as an adjunct engineering professor at Cuyamaca College in El Cajon, CA. Mr. Strayer graduated from the Northeastern University with a B.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2011, and is a registered Civil Engineer in California, Hawaii, and Arizona. He also is a certified Road Safety Professional (RSP1).

Date Day Time Location
09/27/2023Wednesday8 AM to 5 PM SpringHill Suites, Sacramento Airport
09/28/2023Thursday8 AM to 5 PM SpringHill Suites, Sacramento Airport