Name | Biography |
Joy Bhattacharya |
PE, PTOE, Vice President, Advanced Mobility Group
Mr. Bhattacharya is the Vice President at Advanced Mobility Group (AMG) and serves as the Director of Innovative Transportation Solutions. He provides innovative Traffic Engineering, Transportation Planning, and ITS solutions for the Global Market. He has expertise in traffic engineering, traffic simulation, traffic signal systems, traffic signal timing, traffic operations, ITS, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, and Smart Cities. He is an ITE fellow and has over 25 years of transportation engineering experience. He teaches transportation planning and engineering as part of San Jose State University's graduate program. |
Johnny Bhullar |
PE, TE, Senior Transportation Engineer
Mr. Bhullar is a registered Civil and Traffic Engineer in California and has 29 years of transportation engineering experience with Caltrans. This experience ranges from national and statewide traffic operations policy and standards issues in Headquarters, to their application and field implementation in rural and urban settings. As the engineer on California Highway Patrol's Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Team, he also has accident reconstruction experience. He is a member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD), participating on Temporary Traffic Control Technical Committee, which partners with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to recommend changes to National MUTCD. For 14 years, Mr. Bhullar was the technical advisor to the California Traffic Control Device Committee (CTCDC). He was an advisor to Caltrans & FHWA on evaluating new signs and pavement markings through the Traffic Control Devices Pooled Fund Study Consortium. He has partnered with FHWA, CPUC and Caltrans instructors in developing and providing training to practitioners on traffic control devices issues. He is also a liaison with California Department of Consumer Affairs, Board for Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors on the Traffic Engineer Examination. Mr. Bhullar is one of Caltrans' most knowledgeable experts on traffic control device issues due to his 14-year role as Editor of California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD), during which he transitioned California from the Traffic Manual to adopting FHWA's MUTCD. He also had statewide authority and responsibility for CA MUTCD Part 6, Temporary Traffic Control. |
Andre Boutros |
PE, Former Executive Director, California Transportation Commission
Mr. Boutros retired from public service in December 2014, as the Executive Director of the California Transportation Commission. Andre concluded a career of more than 30 years of direct involvement in the development and preservation of California's transportation infrastructure with extensive focus on program and project delivery, and transportation policy and finance. Andre had staffed the Commission since 2007, holding the positions of Chief Program Delivery Officer and Chief Deputy Director, leading to his appointment to the Executive Director in January 2013. Prior to joining the Commission, Andre spent over 23 years with the California Department of Transportation, holding numerous technical and leadership positions, with extensive involvement in bridge and highway engineering, and program and policy development and implementation. |
Russ Branson | MBA, Russ Branson Consulting
Mr. Branson is the founder of Russ Branson Consulting. Russ works with local governments and special districts addressing difficult financial issues facing municipal governments today. Prior to starting his own firm, Russ was a Director for Public Financial Management (PFM) consulting group and spent 13½ years with the City of Roseville, California in financial leadership positions, including Assistant City Manager and Treasurer, overseeing Finance and Administrative Services. Before joining the City of Roseville, Russ was a principal with Economic and Planning Systems where he spent more than a decade producing impact fee studies, infrastructure financing plans, and the establishment of special taxing districts. Russ started his career doing traffic modeling and transportation finance with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). Russ has taught Financial Aspects of Planning through UC Davis for the past 20 years. |
Lance Brown |
PE, Senior Transportation Engineer, Pavement Program Advisor/Caltrans (Retired)
Lance Brown is a California Registered Civil Engineer with 32 years at Caltrans. Lance performed duties as a Statewide Program Advisor for roadway rehabilitation and pavement maintenance strategies and is recognized as a leader in preventive maintenance, "keeping good roads good". Lance was the Northern California Pavement Engineer/Project Manager identifying and scoping all roadway rehabilitation and maintenance solutions, and independently performing annual field assessments of pavement performance. Lance was a leader in planning and coordinating with local field crews to maximize the efficiency of all pavement maintenance work. He has a passion for teaching the often-unheard benefits of preventive maintenance and promoted the use of recycling in-place strategies after feasibility studies determined the project as a good candidate for recycling. Lance considers himself a "boots-on-the-ground" pavement engineer, who routinely visited maintenance activities, contract maintenance projects, recycling projects, and rehabilitation projects to ensure construction methods and best practices were being followed. |
Ali Butt |
PhD, Associate Project Scientist, Project Manager, Pavement Research Center, University of California Davis
Dr. Butt is an Associate Project Scientist working at the University of California Pavement Research Center, UC Davis. Currently, he is doing research and project managing number of federal and state funded sustainable transport infrastructures projects. Some of the projects include pavement structural responsiveness; development of transport infrastructures life cycle assessment (LCA) guidelines, frameworks and tools; development of LCA frameworks for complete streets and urban metabolism; and several others. He has been teaching several courses for last 15 years. Dr. Butt acquired BE degree in Civil Engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology (Pakistan) and, MSc and PhD from KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). |
DingXin Cheng |
PhD, Professor of Civil Engineering, CSU Chico
Dr. DingXin (Ding) Cheng is a professor of the department of civil engineering at the California State University, Chico, director of the California Pavement Preservation (CP2) Center, and the director of the Tire Derived Aggregate Technology Center. He has worked actively with the CP2 Center since he joined CSU Chico in 2006. He worked in private industry for Parsons Brinckerhoff in Houston, TX before joining Chico State University. He has extensive experience in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) materials and pavement preservation on both asphalt and concrete pavements. He has more than 55 peer-reviewed publications related to pavement materials and preservation in Transportation Research Board, AAPT, ASCE, and other conferences. Ding has co-managed or managed more than $7 million research projects funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), Metropolitan Transportation Commissions (MTC) of San Francisco Bay Area, and other agencies and industry. He is a registered professional engineer in the state of Texas. |
Fred Choa |
P.E.,Principal, Fehr & Peers
Mr. Choa is a registered Professional Traffic Engineer in California with over 30 years of experience in multi-modal traffic engineering and signal operations analysis. Fred serves as Fehr & Peers' National Multi-Modal Traffic Operations Safety Leader, mentoring the next generation of leaders based on his experience working on operations (Synchro, VISTRO, Tru-Traffic, PASSER, and TRANSYT),simulation (SimTraffic, CORSIM, Paramics, and VISSIM) and Travel Demand Forecasting (VISUM, Cube and TransCAD) to improve safety and operations for all travel modes (passenger cars, pedestrians, transit, trucks and bicyclists). In addition to being a transportation professional, Fred has enjoyed giving back to the transportation community by being an instructor for the University of California, Berkeley, Institute of Transportation Studies, Technology Transfer Program for the past twenty-six (26) years. On occasion, Fred also teaches as a guest lecturer for both undergraduate and graduate level transportation classes, teaching how to use a combination of the Cube / TransCAD / VISUM Travel Demand Forecasting (TDF) Models and SimTraffic / VISSIM to forecast and analyze corridor operations for automobiles, pedestrians, transit, trucks, and bicyclists. |
Bill Cisco |
PE, Principal Transportation Engineer / PTV
Bill Cisco has over 25 years of experience in transportation engineering and planning. Bill's areas of expertise include traffic operations, transportation planning, transportation impact analysis, travel forecasting, congestion management, parking analysis, and training. At PTV, Bill's duties include managing traffic engineering and transportation planning software applications, including PTV Vistro. Previously, Bill worked at Traffic Technology Services as a director of product intelligence, and as a consultant for Dowling Associates, CCS Planning & Engineering, and Kaku Associates. Bill is registered as a professional engineer. |
Steve Colman |
PTP, Semi-retired
Steve Colman is a professional transportation planner (PTP) with more than 36 years of experience in all modes of surface transportation, including the preparation of EIR transportation sections and more than 75 traffic impact studies, general plan circulation elements, bikeway plans, and transit system plans. He was a Principal at Dowling Associates in Oakland for more than 20 years. He chaired the Institute of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) technical Coordinating Council 2012-2014, and is currently working on a history of Bay Area transportation. In 2016, he received the Western ITE District's Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest award given by the District. |
Adrian Engel |
PE, LEED AP, Senior Associate, Fehr & Peers
Adrian is the Fehr & Peers Active Transportation Market Leader for the Sierra Region. He has over 20 years of experience in transportation planning and engineering. He has planned and designed numerous complete street, bikeway, and highway interchange projects. Mr. Engel specializes in complete streets, active transportation and sustainable civil engineering projects. In addition to be being a Registered Engineer, he is a LEED-Accredited Professional and currently the Chair of Mission Advancement for the Sacramento District Council of the Urban Land Institute. |
Nabil Eskander |
PE, Senior Transportation Engineer, State of California - Caltrans
Mr. Eskander has over 29 years of experience in highway transportation and is a registered Civil Engineer with the State of California. He was a Transportation Engineer who worked directly with the Caltrans Planned Lane Closure unit and District Traffic Manager in coordinating closure and oversaw the contractor’s Traffic Control Plans. As a Traffic Management Team Engineer, Mr. Eskander reviewed Traffic Management Plans and compliance with the project and Standard Plans pertaining to traffic control and detour routes. Mr. Eskander coordinated with Caltrans Maintenance units and construction contractors in multiple closures for various contracts. Mr. Eskander reviewed and resolved conflicting closures. As a Traffic Management Team Engineer, Mr. Eskander provided Safety training for Caltrans Operation Branch staff, conducted safety reviews of job sites within the district, responded to incidents and accident situations, updated Caltrans Management Center (TMC) and Media with road conditions and detour routes to safely maneuver the traveling motorists through a construction zone, and enforced traffic safety with contractors to provide a safe environment for the workers, inspectors, and the public motorists. |
John Fisher |
PE, PTOE, Traffic Engineer for the City of Culver City, Retired Assistant General Manager Principal, LADOT
Mr. Fisher has over forty-one years of transportation engineering experience, including thirty-nine years with the City of Los Angeles, Department of Transportation and thirteen years as Assistant General Manager. He is a voting member of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) and leader of the Delegation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, which advises the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on traffic management innovations for the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. He is also an advisor to the FHWA on evaluating new signs and pavement markings through the Traffic Control Devices Pooled Fund Study and Institute of Transportation Engineers on connected vehicle technology. Mr. Fisher is a past chairman and a current member of the California Traffic Control Devices Committee (CTCDC) which advises Caltrans on traffic management innovations for the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. |
Nathan Forrest |
PE, ENV SP, Technical Director - California Nevada Cement Association
Nathan Forrest joined the CNCA in 2015 and serves as the Technical Director. Nathan’s function is to provide resources, recommendations, education, technical expertise, and other services to municipalities, engineers, project owners, developers, and contractors. His primary focus is on pavements for highways, streets & local roads, multi-modal facilities, and parking areas but no concrete application is outside of his area of experience. Prior to his work with the CNCA, Nathan worked as a consulting materials engineer on numerous large Caltrans projects in southern California, most recently on the Gerald Desmond Bridge replacement in Long Beach. Nathan graduated from The University of Arizona with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. Nathan is a licensed Civil Engineer in the state of California and maintains certifications from ISI, ACI, PCI, and others. When not working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughters, playing golf, and riding bicycles. |
Raul Galvez |
PE, Engineering Division Manager, Department of Public Works - City of Fountain Valley
Mr. Galvez has over seventeen years of professional engineering and management experience in the private and public sector. He has eleven years of leadership experience as manager of the Engineering Division at the City of Fountain Valley Department of Public Works. He manages for the City of Fountain Valley a multi-million dollar capital improvement program, including roadway rehabilitation, traffic/transportation, sewer, water, park and development projects. He also works closely with field services managers and superintendents to ensure the City’s Engineering program is fully synchronized with field services. He is also an authoring member and Co-Chairman of WATCH Manual Committee and has taught college and university courses for over fifteen years. |
Vikash Gayah | PhD, Professor, Larson Transportation Institute, The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Vikash V. Gayah is a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Central Florida and his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Gayah's research focuses on urban mobility, traffic operations, traffic flow theory, traffic safety and public transportation. His research approach includes a combination of analytical models, micro-simulations and empirical analysis of transportation data. He has worked on research contracts sponsored by various State Departments of Transportation (including Pennsylvania, Washington State, Montana and South Dakota), US Department of Transportation (via the Mineta National Transit Research Consortium, the Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center, and the Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems), Federal Highway Administration, National Cooperative Highway Research Program and National Science Foundation. |
Scott Gibson |
P.E., Project Manager, Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, Nevade
Mr. Gibson currently serves as a project manager for the Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, Nevada - an MPO that includes the local agencies of Reno, Sparks, and Washoe County. He has more than 40 years of highway construction and pavement engineering experience and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin. |
Leonard Gilliana |
Traffic Signal Specialist, Advanced Mobility Group
Mr. Gillana brings nearly 40 years of public sector expertise in the area of traffic signal operations, construction, design and inspection. He has led the operations and maintenance of a smart city operations center and patented many key advancements in the industry. In the private sector, he led the implementation of the most sophisticated regional signal system in Coachella Valley. He co-founded a unique training establishment, LNR Transportation, inc. which developed several specialized courses shared with over 1000 signal professionals across the country. He has been an instructor with UC Berkeley Tech Transfer Program for the past ten years. |
Joseph Goldhammer |
Consultant, Retired from San Diego County Department of Public Works
Mr. Goldhammer has extensive experience in public works projects, having worked for over 20 years at the County of San Diego Department of Public Works with responsibilities over a wide range of street and highway construction and design work. He has also taught soils engineering at Southwestern College and has served as a consultant to Paramount Petroleum Corporation. |
Geoffrey Gosling |
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Geoffrey Gosling is the principal of Aviation System Consulting, LLC, serving as an independent consultant and expert witness in the areas of airport planning, aviation system planning, airline economics, and aviation safety. He has a Ph.D. in transportation engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. From 1987 to March 2002, he was a member of the research staff of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He helped establish the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research, serving as its first Program Manager. From 2003 to 2012, in addition to his consulting practice, he served as a Research Associate with the Mineta Transportation Institute at San José State University. His recent consulting activities have included participation on the consultant team supporting the 2011 update of the Regional Airport System Planning Analysis for the San Francisco Bay Area and providing consultant assistance to the Southern California Association of Governments in updating the aviation element of the 2012 Regional Transportation Plan. He has also been active in the Airport Cooperative Research Program and has served as principal investigator or co-principal investigator for several ACRP studies. He recently chaired the Project Panel for an ACRP study on integrating aviation and passenger rail systems planning in congested corridors. He served as co-principal investigator on an ACRP study on passenger value of time, benefit-cost analysis, and airport capital investment decisions. He is currently serving as co-principal investigator on an ACRP study using disaggregated socioeconomic data in air passenger demand studies. He is a past chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Aviation System Planning and currently serves on several TRB committees as an Emeritus Member of the TRB. He also has served for many years on the Airport Planning and Operations Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He has published a wide range of technical reports, journal papers, and other articles in various areas of transportation and is a co-author of the book Strategic Airport Planning. He is a Chartered Engineer in the United Kingdom, a Member of the U.K. Institution of Civil Engineers, and a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. From 1979 to 1993, he taught a range of courses in the Transportation Engineering program at U.C. Berkeley, including the air transportation and airport planning courses. Since 1977 he has taught several courses on various airport-related topics in both the University of California Extension Program and the Institute of Transportation Studies Technology Transfer Program and has been responsible for coordinating and lecturing in the Airport Systems Planning & Design short course for the past forty years. |
S. Ilgin Guler |
PhD, Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University
S. Ilgin Guler is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include multi-modal urban traffic operations and control, intelligent transportation systems, connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructure management. She is currently serving as the Penn State PI on NCHRP 17-84: Pedestrian and Bicycle safety performance functions for the Highway Safety Manual. Dr. Guler's research has resulted in over 30 peer-refereed journal articles and over 40 refereed conference proceedings on topics that include multi-modal traffic safety, multi-modal traffic operations and multi-modal traffic control. Dr. Guler is the recipient of the 2020 Council of University Transportation Centers Cambridge Systematics New Faculty Award. |
Michael Hanowsky |
PhD, Director and Practice Lead for Data Analytics and Operational Planning, Woolpert, Inc.
Michael is the Practice Lead for Data Analytics and Operational Planning at Woolpert, Inc., an Ohio-based engineering, architecture, and geospatial firm, and the current vice chair and research coordinator for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) committee on Airfield and Airspace Performance (AV060). He has 21 years of experience as a project manager and subject matter expert in aviation planning and operational modeling, with experience at 21 hub airports in North America. |
John Harvey |
PhD, PE, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Davis
Prof. Harvey is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UC Davis, where he teaches pavement engineering and construction management, Director of the UC Pavement Research Center (UCPRC), and founding Director of the City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC). He has worked in the pavement field for 35 years. He has been Principal Investigator for 20 years for projects for research, development and implementation for pavement materials, structural design, asset management, construction, cost, and environmental topics for Caltrans, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, other state and national agencies, and industry. Before returning home to California for graduate school John worked five years in Texas consulting and as a contract public works official in Nigeria. His PE license is from California. |
Gary Hicks |
PhD, PE, Program Manager, CP2 Center, CSU Chico
Dr. Hicks is the Program Manager for the CP2 Center at CSU Chico and started the Center in 2006 as the First Director and serves on the governing board of the City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC). He has worked in the pavement field for over 50 years having taught at Georgia Tech and Oregon State University for 30 years. He has been Principal Investigator for numerous projects for research, development, and implementation for pavement materials and structural design, pavement preservation, construction including quality assurance for Oregon ODT, Caltrans, CalRecycle, Alaska DOT, Federal Highway Administration, other state and local agencies, and industry. He has been president of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Founder of the International Society of Asphalt Pavements, and the recipient of numerous awards. He is a registered professional engineer in the States of California, Oregon, and Alaska. |
Jay Holombo |
PhD, PE, Principal Engineer, T.Y. Lin International
Mr. Holombo has over 30 years of bridge engineering experience in California. He has worked for both Caltrans and private consulting firms performing bridge structural design, project management, and applied research. Mr. Holombo is a recognized leader in the development of seismic resistant precast/prestressed concrete bridge design. He has authored and co-authored numerous articles including the “LRFD Minimum Flexural Reinforcement” (NCHRP w147) that was recently adopted into the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. His teaching experience includes lecturing bridge design and to students and practicing engineers throughout California. |
Larry Horsman |
Civil and Materials Engineer, San Diego County Department of Public Works
Mr. Horsman teaches building construction and technology at Mesa College in San Diego. His expertise includes construction materials, building inspection, construction management, and construction practices. At the San Diego County Department of Public Works, he runs the county DPW Materials Lab and works with geotechnical, materials, hazmat, and constructability issues. |
Obaid Khan |
PE, Senior Project Manager, Gray-Bowen-Scott
Mr. Khan is a registered Civil Engineer in California with over 30 years of professional experience in civil and transportation engineering. Mr. Khan recently retired from the City of Dublin, where he oversaw the Transportation Division since 2012. After retiring from Dublin, Mr. Khan joined Gray Bowen Scott as a Senior Project Manager. At the City of Dublin, he oversaw the planning, design, and construction of transportation capital projects as well as the operation of all traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems, and management of all transportation facilities. Prior to joining the City of Dublin, Mr. Khan managed the Transportation Division at the City of Alameda. At the City of Alameda, he oversaw the City's Transportation Commission and represented the City at various regional forums and committees. He led the development of the City's Pedestrian Master Plan, Bicycle Master Plan, and the update of the City's Transportation Element, including the creation of a multimodal street functional classification system. |
Crystal Killian |
PE, Principle Traffic Engineer, City of Los Angeles
Ms. Killian serves as a Principal Traffic Engineer for the County of Los Angeles, where she leads a multidisciplinary team in planning, designing, and managing complex transportation networks within one of the most diverse metropolitan regions in the country. Her career spans more than 35 years and includes oversight of mobility projects ranging from bicycle and pedestrian facility planning and design, operations, and roadway safety enhancements, all aimed at improving mobility and ensuring the safe movement of people. A recognized champion of innovative solutions, Ms. Killian has spearheaded a variety of innovative programs and community-focused outreach to optimize local transportation outcomes. Her collaborative approach has resulted in strong partnerships among public agencies, private sector partners, and local communities, ensuring that transportation projects are both efficient and equitable. As an instructor with UC Berkeley's Tech Transfer Program, Ms. Killian draws on her vast expertise to guide fellow professionals through best practices and emerging trends in traffic engineering and management. Her commitment to mentorship, coupled with a forward-thinking perspective on emerging technologies, makes her an invaluable resource for course participants looking to expand their technical knowledge and enhance their impact within the evolving field of transportation. |
Jeremy Klop |
AICP, Principal, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
Mr. Klop brings an effective blend of experience in multimodal transportation planning, modeling, and operations analysis. With this integrated understanding of both the multimodal planning and operation implications, he provides a wide range of services including complete streets policy and design, multimodal transportation planning in campus, medical, and downtown settings, transit operations and signal priority, corridor studies and livable street design, and smart growth modeling and forecasting. In addition to project experience, he publishes and presents on the relationship between urban form and trip generation, complete streets, and bicycle and pedestrian facility planning, including a co-author role for the Bicycle and Pedestrian chapter in the ITE Transportation Planning Handbook (2009). He is a member of the American Planning Association (APA) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). |
Richard Lee |
PhD, AICP, Director of Innovation and Sustainability, VRPA Technologies, Inc
Dr. Lee has over 30 years of experience as a transportation consultant and academic, mainly in California. He has taught transportation planning and led research projects at UC-Berkeley (2007-2009), Cal Poly SLO, UC-Davis, Massey University (New Zealand) and San José State University. As a consultant he has led Regional Transportation Plan and General Plan studies, transit projects, and project level EIRs. This broad experience has given him first-hand experience with all aspects of transportation planning, from policy development to implementation. Richard enjoys working with local, regional and state agencies and the private sector to develop feasible circulation solutions tailored to specific community needs. |
Gordon Lum |
PE, Project Manager, Willdan Engineering
Mr. Lum has been a registered traffic engineer in California for over 25 years, splitting time equally between the private and public sectors. He has been directly involved in many aspects of traffic engineering, including reducing correctable collisions, conducting speed surveys, implementing parking restrictions, relieving congestion, making public presentations, coordinating signals, and analyzing future traffic impacts. Gordon is an ITE Fellow. |
David Mahama |
PE, Senior Associate, DKS Associates
Mr. Mahama is the Design/Traffic Group Leader at DKS Associates. He is one of three Project Managers selected by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to retime approximately 550 Traffic Signal annually throughout the Bay Area. His professional experience includes traffic operations, signal design, traffic signing and striping design, intelligent transportation systems design (ITS), and transportation studies. |
Sami Megally |
PhD, PE, SE, Principal Engineer, Kleinfelder
Dr. Megally has over 29 years of research and analysis/design experience in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures. He is an expert in the field of seismic performance and serviceability of bridges and other structures, and served as a voting member of the ACI Committee 421 (Reinforced Concrete Slabs) and the ASBI (American Segmental Bridge Institute) Construction Practices Committee. Dr. Megally has also been the researcher/project manager for several research projects including monitoring of long-term deformations of the Confederation Bridge in Canada and seismic research projects for Caltrans. Dr. Megally has been project engineer on many bridge design and analysis projects, including segmental bridges, cable-stayed bridges and a suspension bridge. |
Thomas Mericle |
PE, TE, Principal Engineer, TKM Engineering
Mr. Mericle is the Principal Engineer and President of TKM Engineering providing traffic engineering and municipal services to local agencies and has 35 years of experience. He previously was a Traffic Engineer for Interwest Consulting Group, Principal Traffic Engineer for Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates and, prior to that, was the Transportation Manager for the City of Ventura for 23 years. He is active in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and has served on local, regional, and national ITE committees. His experience includes city traffic engineering, traffic operations, parking, bicycle facilities, traffic laws and legislation, local transit, transportation planning and traffic impact studies, neighborhood traffic management, SB 743 implementation, and automated traffic enforcement strategies. He was on the steering committee for the NACTO publication, Urban Street Stormwater Guide, and co-wrote a book titled Parking and the City. He earned his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and his master's degree in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge. His is licensed as a Traffic Engineer in California and as a Civil Engineer in California and Colorado. |
Ronald Milam |
AICP, PTP, Director of Evolving the Status Quo, Fehr & Peers
Mr. Ronald T. Milam is a certified planner (AICP) and professional transportation planner (PTP) with more than 25 years of experience in all modes of surface transportation. His project assignments routinely involve CEQA legal defensibility while his research time is spent on big data applications, VMT analysis, multi-modal metrics, and land use/transportation interactions. His work on VMT analysis includes contributions to the FHWA Handbook for Estimating Transportation Greenhouse Gases for Integration into the Planning Process and the CAPCOA Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures plus direct consulting to OPR, Caltrans, MPOs, and local agencies on SB 743 implementation. |
Brandon Milar | PE, Technical Director, California Asphalt Pavement Association
Mr. Milar is a licensed Civil Engineer in California that currently serves as the Director of Technical Services for the California Asphalt Pavement Association. Mr. Milar received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo. He works with the asphalt pavement industry and various specifying agencies on the development of asphalt pavement standards, the training of technical personnel, and the research of new pavement technologies. For over 25 years, Mr. Milar has provided technical support for the production of aggregates, the design and testing of asphalt mixes, the construction of asphalt pavements and the implementation of innovative pavement technologies. |
Rock Miller | PE, PTOE, Firm Principal/CEO, Rock E. Miller & Associates, Orange, CA
Mr. Miller is a registered civil engineer and traffic engineer in California and is recognized as a leader in planning and design for complete streets and active transportation, with over 40 years in the transportation profession. Rock is an expert in working through issues posed by working with legacy design guidelines while providing for innovative transportation improvements. He has served as the International President of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and has served on Caltrans and National Traffic Control Devices committees. Rock is also an expert on engineering liability defense and has assisted Caltrans and local agencies in litigation of roadway designs and traffic controls. Rock is also an excellent instructor and has delivered popular classes for Tech Transfer for many years. |
Sharlan Montgomery Dunn |
PhD, PE, Senior Engineer, NCE
Dr. Montgomery Dunn holds a PhD from Purdue University and has over 10 years of experience in pavement management and pavement materials research and design work. She has worked with hundreds of local agencies in California and Washington on pavement management projects, as well as on State-wide pavement management scenarios in California and Indiana. She has taught pavement management workshops for the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the last several years and has been involved on the software development team for StreetSaver, a pavement management decision-support tool, including authoring the User Guide. She has also developed methodologies for estimating the impact on pavement life that utility trenches and waste vehicles cause. |
Amjad Obeid |
PE, Construction Safety Coordinator & Traffic Advisor, State of California - Caltrans
Mr. Obeid has over 26 years of experience in highway transportation and is a registered Civil Engineer with the State of California. He was a Resident Engineer who oversaw the construction of multi-million dollar projects and state highways. As a Resident Engineer, Mr. Obeid oversaw the contractor's implementation of the Traffic Management Plans and compliance with the project and Standard Plans pertaining to traffic control. Mr. Obeid coordinated multiple closures for various contracts and contractors within the same corridor of construction zones, reviewed and resolved conflicting closures, and provided optimal solutions for motorists to safely maneuver thru construction zones. As the Lead Safety Coordinator/ Traffic Advisor for the Division of Construction, Mr. Obeid provided Annual Safety Refresher training to construction staff, conducted safety reviews of job sites within the district, responded to incident and accident situations, updated Caltrans safety protocols, and enforced traffic safety with contractors to provide a safe environment for the workers, inspectors, and the public motorists. |
Norma Ortega |
Chief Financial Officer, California Department of Transportation (retired 2018)
Norma Ortega served as the Chief Financial Officer for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for nine years managing a $12 billion annual budget prior to retiring in 2018. Ms. Ortega was with Caltrans over 35 years and served in a number of increasingly responsible fiscal management positions including Acting, Chief Deputy Director during 2013 and 2014, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise in transportation funding. During her career at Caltrans, Ms. Ortega led a number of fiscal strategies designed to keep funds flowing for transportation, including aggressive cash management of funds during very challenging fiscal times, allowing projects to continue through numerous years of stops and starts of funding; federal approval of almost $5 billion in federal toll credits; reduction of federal inactive obligations; and capturing over $1.5 billion of additional federal funds through the August Redistribution of funds. Ms. Ortega also served as lead on the California Road Charge Pilot Program, exploring an alternative to the traditional funding source for transportation. Ms. Ortega now works as a strategic advisor with Gray-Bowen-Scott, a professional consulting firm specializing in the delivery of transportation projects in the Greater Bay Area. |
Adolfo Ozaeta |
PE, TE, City Traffic Engineer, Department of Public Works, City of Westminster
Adolfo Ozaeta has 20 years of professional engineering and management experience in the private and public sector. At Westminster, Mr. Ozaeta is responsible for the City's Intelligent Transportation Systems Program, Traffic Management Center, and Parking Management System. Additionally, he oversees transportation policy and planning, environmental impact analysis, traffic signal operations, traffic engineering, special event management, transit planning and operations, and transportation safety. He is responsible for overseeing the City's Mobility Element and Active Transportation Plan. Mr. Ozaeta is the City's lead grant writer and legal expert on matters related to traffic/transportation engineering. Mr. Ozaeta is an authoring member of the Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH). He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer and Registered Professional Traffic Engineer in the State of California. |
Jason Pack |
P.E., Principal, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
Mr. Jason Pack began working for Fehr & Peers after receiving his degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Davis in 1999. He has worked on a wide variety of transportation projects, from general plans and specific plans to detailed corridor, interchange, and signal coordination studies. Most of his projects feature a complete streets element and many involve Caltrans. Additionally, he has applied or developed travel demand forecast models on over 50 projects in the State of California. Jason has had papers/presentations accepted to the TRB National Roundabout Conference, the ITE National Conference, and the California APA Conferences. Jason has worked on a variety of complete/livable street projects, including the San Marcos General Plan Mobility Element, Holt Boulevard Corridor Plan, Carlsbad General Plan Mobility Element, and the award winning Carlsbad Livable Streets Assessment. |
Rafat Raie |
P.E., Principal at Advanced Mobility Group
Mr. Rafat Raie, a highly regarded professional Traffic Engineer who has been a distinguished instructor with the TechTransfer program at the Institute of Transportation Studies since 2001, offering a broad range of courses covering design, operations, planning, and maintenance. Over the course of his career, Mr. Raie has served as City Traffic Engineer for several municipalities across northern and southern California, where he successfully implemented various Smart City applications, including the first deployed cloud-based emergency vehicle pre-emption system in the United States. Widely recognized as a Transportation Technology expert, he is leading the Contra Costa County Transportation Authority in developing its inaugural Digital Motions Master Plan. In his current role as Principal at the Advanced Mobility Group, he supports multiple public agencies by managing their communication systems, parking technologies, signal design and coordination, multi-modal data management, and transit analysis. Mr. Raie's extensive expertise and practical insights make him an exceptional resource for professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge and advance their skills in Traffic Engineering. |
Antero Rivasplata |
AICP, Technical Director, ICF International
Mr. Rivasplata, a Technical Director with ICF, specializes in preparing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for projects ranging from schools to general plans. He teaches training courses on CEQA and related topics at UC Davis Extension and UC Berkeley Tech Transfer. He was with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research from 1985 to 1998, including a stint as the chief of both the State Clearinghouse and the planning unit. He participated in drafting the 1998, 1997, and 1994 amendments to the CEQA Guidelines. He is the editor of the Environmental Assessor for the Association of Environmental Professionals and is a coauthor of the CEQA Deskbook, 3rd Edition. |
Charles Rivasplata |
PhD, Senior Transportation Planner, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency SFMTA
Dr. Rivasplata has more than 25 years of experience in transportation planning and policy. In addition to the SFMTA, he is a lecturer at San Jose State University (SJSU), and has lectured at the University of California (UC), Stanford University, and Sonoma State University (SSU). His professional portfolio has featured work on transportation demand management (TDM) strategies, as well as the Transportation Element of the San Francisco General Plan, bike-transit catchment studies, a residential carsharing study, and policies promoting transit integration in the Bay Area and beyond. |
Mike Robinson |
PE, Owner, Mike Robinson, LLC
Mr. Robinson has more than 35 years' experience across the country in the heavy civil industry, working for a large state agency, as a contractor and materials producer, and as a consultant. His primary focus is flexible pavements and aggregate materials including pavement design, quality management, troubleshooting, maintenance and rehabilitation techniques, constructability reviews and value engineering, and construction claims support. He has developed and delivered pavement-related classes for the National Highway Institute, Local Technical Assistance Programs for Nevada and Wyoming, the California Asphalt Pavement Association, and others. He has served as a member of several Transportation Research Board standing committees, and is a member of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists. He is a registered Civil Engineer in Wyoming, Nevada, Idaho, California, Nebraska, Montana, Colorado, and Arizona. More information can be found on his website: |
David Royer |
TE, CE, Consulting Traffic and Highway Engineer, Retired Principal Engineer, LADOT
David Royer is a licensed Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer. He's been a valued instructor and course developer at Tech Transfer for 40 years. His teaching and development include the Work Zone Safety Program, Roadside Safety & Barrier Systems, and the Maintaining Retroreflectivity at Required Levels course. Mr. Royer also served as an LTAP Field Agent during the period that Tech Transfer served as the California LTAP Center. In 2018, he was the first to receive the Technology Transfer Program's Instructor of the Year award. He retired at the position of Principal Transportation Engineer from LADOT after 32 years of service, and for the past 23 years, he has been a consulting traffic and highway engineer. Because of his extensive experience and teaching in the field of work zone safety, he voluntarily represents Tech Transfer on the WATCH Manual Committee and on the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Part 6 of the MUTCD). |
Gian-Claudia Sciara |
PhD, AICP, Professional Researcher, UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies
Gian-Claudia Sciara is a researcher at the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis. Her portfolio addresses institutional questions in transportation planning, policy, and finance across national, state, regional and local levels, and her current work examines implementation of SB375 in California, which makes greenhouse gas reduction a central policy goal for regional transportation. Her publications address funding for advance environmental mitigation of infrastructure projects; Congressional earmarking's impacts on regional decision making; revenue generation for metropolitan infrastructure; and HOT-lane equity and planning. Dr. Sciara earned the Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley, and is active member of the Transportation Research Board and its Transportation Programming and Investment Decision-Making Committee. |
Bill Shao |
PE, TE, PTOE, City of Los Angeles
Bill Shao is a Principal Engineer with the City of Los Angeles. Currently the LADOT-lead for LA Metro's Capital Transit Design-Build and City's Capital ATSAC programs, he previously led LADOT's Design, Construction Management, Signal Systems, and ITS programs. Almost a 3-decade veteran with the City, he has been an instructor for Tech Transfer and formerly for LA Metro. An active participant of FHWA and TRB-NCHRP research panels, he holds a MS in Transportation Management from San Jose State University, a MS in Transportation Systems Engineering, and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. Mr. Shao is a California-registered Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer. |
Donald Shupp |
Principal, Western Pacific Signal
Mr. Donald Shupp is the founder and CEO of Western Pacific Signal (WP Signal), a regional integrator of Adaptive Signal Control-based, Model 2070-based Central Control Systems. Mr. Shupp has 28 years experience with deploying and upgrading various NEMA, Type 170, Type 2070 traffic controllers, and central-based ATMS software for more than 50 local agency clients throughout California and Washington States. Mr. Shupp served as a former chair of the Arterial Operations Committee (AOC) of the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Committee (MTC). Mr. Shupp holds and associates degree in Computer Maintenance Technology, is a Level II IMSA Traffic Signal Technician, and an active member of ITS California. He has presented several Connected Vehicle Initiative seminars, and related field projects, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration. |
James Signore | PhD, PE, Principal, NCE
Dr. Signore has over 25 years of experience in the pavement field. He specializes in pavement design and evaluation, rehabilitation and maintenance, materials assessment, and training. At NCE, he provides pavement engineering consulting to numerous clients including California local agencies and San Francisco Internal Airport. He currently manages NCE's On-Call pavement engineering contract with Caltrans. His former Caltrans work, while at the UCPRC, UC Berkeley included involvement with the development of Superpave mix designs, next generation mechanistic pavement design, and long life AC performance projects. He has published and presented at the Transportation Research Board Meeting and at many professional conferences. He has taught at San Jose State University and for the National Highway Institute and continues to teach for ASCE. |
Charles Sikorsky | PhD, PE, Instructor, Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies
Dr. Sikorsky joined Berkeley ITS after twenty-five years with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Dr Sikorsky's field experience at Caltrans includes the retrofit of the I-280 Viaduct Retrofit Project in San Francisco damaged after the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, as well as construction of the West Approach to the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. The past fifteen years were spent managing the Seismic Research Program and later the Geotechnical-Structures Research Program, which incorporated the Seismic Research Program. His research interests also include developing nondestructive damage evaluation methods to evaluate structural safety and life cycle costs. He has published over 40 journal articles and conference papers. He also served as the Department Liaison to the Caltrans Seismic Advisory Board (SAB) and as Program Manager for the Caltrans Seismic Response Modification Device (SRMD) Facility at UCSD. He was an expert panel member for the Federal Highway Administration Long Term Bridge Performance Program and is one of the founding editors for Structural Health Monitoring. |
Clay Slocum |
PE, Director of Engineering - California Nevada Cement Association
A licensed engineer in California and Nevada, Clay now serves as CNCA's Director of Engineering. Since joining CNCA in 2014, he has been providing technical expertise and education to municipalities, engineers, contractors, and developers to support the applications of cement in a variety of concrete pavement and geotechnical solutions. Clay is a well-recognized pavement designer who also provides engineering support for CNCA's geotechnical markets. He stands out in the region for his expertise in various pavement software, including AASHTO's Pavement-ME. His background includes a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of the Pacific and a Masters in Geotechnical Engineering from UC Berkeley. Clay is active in local societies, including ASCE, ACI, SNCA, and APWA. |
Aleksandar Stevanovic |
PhD, Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Aleksandar Stevanovic is a member of TRB AHB25 Committee for Traffic Signal Systems and member of ITE, TRB, ASCE, and other professional societies. He has authored more than 150 journal and conference papers and 30 technical reports for various national and state transportation agencies. Dr. Stevanovic has hands-on experience with multiple Adaptive Traffic Control Systems. He is the author of NCHRP Synthesis 403 - Adaptive Traffic Control Systems: Domestic and Foreign State of Practice, NCHRP Project 20-07 Task 414 - Benefits of Adaptive Traffic Control Deployments: A Review of Evaluation Studies and numerous others papers and reports about Adaptive Traffic Control Systems, and traffic signals in general. Dr. Stevanovic has been involved in multiple procurement processes and field evaluations of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems. He has also designed interface logics between those systems and micro-simulation models and customized fine-tuned adaptive operations on his own. He has organized, and participated on, multiple industry panels, training events, and conference sessions about Adaptive Traffic Control Systems. |
Claude Strayer |
PE, RSP1, Senior Associate, Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants
Mr. Strayer is a Senior Associate in the San Diego office of Fehr & Peers. He has 11 years of experience in the design and implementation of traffic signals and signal systems, signing and striping, street lighting, temporary traffic control as well as pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Claude has completed designs for dozens of agencies, public and private entities, and institutions. He has also served as an adjunct engineering professor at Cuyamaca College in El Cajon, CA. Mr. Strayer graduated from the Northeastern University with a B.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2011, and is a registered Civil Engineer in California, Hawaii, and Arizona. He also is a certified Road Safety Professional (RSP1). |
Maura Twomey |
CPA, Executive Director, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
Ms. Twomey is the Executive Director for the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Monterey Bay Region. She has 30 years of transportation experience, including 20 years in executive management. Prior to her appointment at AMBAG, Ms. Twomey served as Deputy Director for the California Transportation Commission, providing high level transportation policy and project management advice to the Commission and ensuring the timely and cost effective delivery of more than $3 billion in transportation projects annually. Ms. Twomey also served as the Chief of External Audits for Caltrans, managing a complex and comprehensive audit function. Ms. Twomey is a member of the California Freight Advisory Committee and the current Chair of the Rural Counties Task Force. |
Erik Updyke |
PE, Specialist, City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC), Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis
Senior Pavement Preservation Engineer, California Pavement Preservation Center (CP2), California State University, Chico
Erik works with the Executive Director at the CCPIC and is responsible for both technical and administrative support tasks. For the CP2 Center, Erik prepares training materials, performs training, and assists in research projects. Erik retired from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works in 2018 after 36 years in the Road Maintenance, Design, and Construction Divisions. Erik was a voting member of the Greenbook Committee representing Los Angeles County from 2000 - 2018, and APWA Co-Chair from 2005 - 2019. In 2012, Erik received the outstanding leader, public sector, award from the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association. Erik has spoken at numerous conferences, including the California Asphalt Pavement Association and the Western Regional Association for Pavement Preservation. |
Thomas Van Dam |
Ph.D, P.E., FACI, Principal, WJE
Tom joined WJE as a Principal in 2023 after working with NCE for 10 years as a Principal in their Reno, NV office. He has over 36 years of civil engineering experience, specializing in concrete pavement design and evaluation, forensic investigations, materials assessment, sustainability, and resiliency. Major areas of interest include airport and highway pavement performance, durability, forensic investigations, training, and greenhouse gas emission reduction in civil engineering infrastructure. Dr. Van Dam has an excellent record in both the private sector and in academia. Over the past 16 years he has been a Principal responsible for directing pavement design, materials, and sustainability groups with great success, conducting investigative and research projects for federal agencies, state departments of transportation, local agencies, and private industry. In total, Dr. Van Dam has published over 100 technical papers, articles, and reports and is a frequent presenter on pavements, concrete materials, and sustainability. |
Gordon Wang |
PE, Associate Safety Engineer, Cal/OSHA ; Former Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Expert, Caltrans
Mr. Wang is a registered professional engineer with more than 20 years of experience. He served as the expert on TTC for California State DOT (Caltrans). He was in charge of the Standard Plans and Specifications for TTC Systems. He supported the California Traffic Control Devices Committee on TTC issues and adopting Part 6, Temporary Traffic Control of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). He initiated and completed action items in the California Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). He also provided statements and depositions as the most knowledgeable person from Caltrans in legal cases involving work zone traffic accidents. Twice a year he organized Work Zone Traffic Safety Conferences between Caltrans, Flasher Barricade Association (FBA) and UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies Tech Transfer Program (Tech Transfer). They were platforms for hundreds of regulators, professionals, educators, and industry experts to meet, to learn and to discuss TTC & work zone safety. Recently he transferred to Cal/OSHA in order to gain expertise in safety, enforcement and legal proceedings. Currently, he is serving as board members at Maintenance Superintendent Association (MSA) and FBA. |
Diwu Zhou |
P.E., RSP1 Associate Transportation Engineer, Fehr & Peers
Mr. Zhou is a registered Professional Civil Engineer and Road Safety Professional in California with more than 10 years of experience in traffic engineering and operations analysis. Diwu is passionate about balancing the often conflicting needs of mobility and safety, and is well suited to provide clients with advice and recommendations backed by research, data, and analysis through his intimate knowledge of traffic operations and design, safety best practices, and big data. He also serves as the Vice-Chair of the Institute for Transportation Engineers' Transportation Safety Council and as a committee member of the Transportation Research Board's Intermodal Freight Transport Committee. In addition to working on projects, Diwu has enjoyed being an instructor for the U.C. Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies Tech Transfer Program for the past five (5) years where he teaches traffic operations analysis using SYNCHRO and SimTraffic. Diwu is an alumnus of the U.C. Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies. |
Min Zhou |
PE, Principal, KOA Corporation
With a background in both engineering and planning, Ms. Zhou offers more than 28 years of professional transportation experience in roadway design, traffic engineering, operational analysis, traffic forecast modeling, multimodal operations, and big data management. She has worked across the United States--in the Midwest, and both East and West Coasts. She has traveled to many countries to learn about their transportation systems. In recent years, Ms. Zhou has established a reputable expertise in the areas of complete streets, active transportation, and multi-modal transportation in Southern California, and she has managed more than 50 active transportation design and planning projects. Among these projects, Ms. Zhou has developed procedures for walk audits, provided recommendations for pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements, and evaluated toolbox and design features of various pedestrian facilities. Ms. Zhou is a frequent presenter at Institution of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and other professional society conferences. |