Pavement Management Systems and Preservation Strategies

Dates:April 17-21, 2023
Meets:M, Tu, W, Th and F from 10:00 AM to 12 N
Cost: $190.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

This course was developed in partnership with the City and County Pavement Improvement Center, funded by California Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. This class delivery is supported by the California Department of Transportation, Division of Local Assistance, which offers reduced registration fees to employees of California's city, county, regional, and other public agencies.


Pavement networks are often the most valuable asset that an agency owns. This asset is not only expensive to replace, but it is an essential component to the traveling public's safety. Agencies are looking for more cost-effective ways to perform engineering, maintenance, management, and rehabilitation of roadways more than ever before to stretch funding allocations. A pavement management system is an essential tool to assist in cost-effective roadway maintenance planning. This is the primary overview course on pavement management systems and preservation strategies in the training certificate program offered by the City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC) in partnership with TechTransfer.

Click here for a detailed outline.

Topics Include

  • Pavement management principles
  • Street inventory development
  • Pavement condition surveys (pavement distresses)
  • Pavement condition indices
  • Quality management
  • Types of PMS software
  • Types of maintenance treatments
  • Performance prediction models
  • Funding scenarios
  • Developing a work plan using appropriate prioritization techniques
  • Data to use in communicating with elected officials

What You Will Learn

This class will cover the fundamentals of pavement management systems (PMS). The student will learn the types of distresses included in a typical PMS, how pavements are surveyed for condition, and how condition and classification is used within a PMS. In addition, the inner workings of a PMS are described, covering prediction models and the use of varying funding scenarios and prioritization techniques to maximize your pavement network condition. The important topic of communicating with elected officials to sell your program will be covered. And preservation and maintenance techniques, commonly used by local agencies will be presented.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for engineers or maintenance superintendents responsible for:
  • Collecting data and updating a pavement management system
  • Determining the types of repairs for streets
  • Preparing cost-effective multi-year work plans e.g. resurfacing, seal programs, etc.
  • Planning how much funding is required for the future
  • Making presentations on funding street repairs to elected officials
  • Managing or maintenance of PMS software


Students should bring a calculator and pencil for in-class problems

For More Information

About our courses and credits, see our FAQ
About cancellations, refunds, and substitutions, see How to Enroll

Cancellation Policy

To cancel your registration and receive a refund less a $75 processing fee, you must notify TechTransfer at least five (5) working days before the course is scheduled to begin. Notifications must be made in writing and sent by email to We reserve the right to charge the full course fee if proper notification is not sent to TechTransfer. We don't offer refunds for classes with registration fees of $75 or less.

In lieu of canceling your registration, you have three additional options: you may (1) transfer your registration to another class, (2) receive a tuition credit for the total amount, useable toward a future class, or (3) send a substitute in your place. Please contact us at least 5 full working days before the class is scheduled to begin so we may process your request.

If you’ve registered for a self-paced class, you cannot receive a refund once you start the class.

We recommend you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes. If you are worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you do not test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.

Or email us with your questions at
Or call us at 510-643-4393


Class Schedule

This class has five, two-hour sessions.

Monday, April 17, 2023 :: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon :: Pacific Time
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 :: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon :: Pacific Time
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 :: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon :: Pacific Time
Thursday, April 20, 2023 :: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon :: Pacific Time
Friday, April 21, 2023 :: 10:00 am - 12:00 noon :: Pacific Time

This is a live online course. All times for the online lecture are in (California) Pacific Time. Approximately one week before the course start date, all paid students will receive detailed instructions on how to access the web-based lecture and course site. You will also receive instructions on how to access the student course notebook.
Please make sure we have your updated contact information, and you have access to an internet connection for your desktop or laptop on the days and times of the lecture. We recommend you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes.
If you're worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator, Jay Johnson, the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you don't test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.
Fee: $190.00

Fee Breakdown

FeeCA Public Agency$ 190.00
Fee-AlternateStandard fee$ 380.00



James Signore

PhD, PE, Principal, NCE

Dr. Signore has over 25 years of experience in the pavement field. He specializes in pavement design and evaluation, rehabilitation and maintenance, materials assessment, and training. At NCE, he provides pavement engineering consulting to numerous clients including California local agencies and San Francisco Internal Airport. He currently manages NCE's On-Call pavement engineering contract with Caltrans. His former Caltrans work, while at the UCPRC, UC Berkeley included involvement with the development of Superpave mix designs, next generation mechanistic pavement design, and long life AC performance projects. He has published and presented at the Transportation Research Board Meeting and at many professional conferences. He has taught at San Jose State University and for the National Highway Institute and continues to teach for ASCE.

Margot Yapp

PE, President, Principal, NCE

Ms. Yapp has over 30 years of experience in the area of transportation engineering specializing in pavement design, asset/pavement management and research for roads, highways and airfields. She has also implemented many Pavement Management Systems for cities, counties and airports in California, Oregon, Idaho and Nevada. She has taught workshops on pavement management systems for the National Highway Institute. She has been the Project Manager for the California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment since 2008 and recently completed the 2014 update. On this project, she directed the development of a website, online database and data collection from all 540 cities and counties, the development of the needs and scenario methodologies for both pavement and non-pavement assets, and the funding analysis. She was also responsible for communicating the results to a wide variety of audiences, including state legislators.

Date Day Time Location
04/17/2023Monday10 AM to 12 N Online
04/18/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Online
04/19/2023Wednesday10 AM to 12 N Online
04/20/2023Thursday10 AM to 12 N Online
04/21/2023Friday10 AM to 12 N Online